What I Recreated: Grilled Calamari

Originally written 2013

The Place: Wine Bar*

The Location: 65 2nd Avenue (between 3rd and 4th streets) New York, NY 10003

The Dish: Grilled Calamari

What's inside:

marinated calamari
salsa verde (some onions, hot peppers, tomatillos, salt...)
toasted paprika

I went here lonnnng ago with a dear friend (also a dietitian), because we love wine. This protein picker-upper was a great start to a great night! 

My recreation:

Sauteed Calamari


frozen calamari from Fairway
chili powder
salsa not-verde
olive oil

I sauteed it all up in a pan after a day of moving furniture and it was done in about 4 minutes.


For the next theme, I am thinking sandwiches and wraps- All American, if you will.

Until Then.

*Update 2023: Wine Bar has unfortunately closed


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