What I recreated: Moroccan carrots

Originally published February, 2013

The Place: Taim

The Location: 222 Waverly Place New York, NY 10014 (Also in Nolita)

The Dish: Moroccan Carrots

What is inside

extra virgin olive oil

I remembered these carrots from long ago when I first tried Taim as a new grad student at NYU. Who would have thought carrots could be so scrumptious? Well, I did, and I decided to take this kitchen endeavor into my own hands, with a few of my own spices for flair.

My recreation

2 large carrots
extra virgin olive oil
garlic-crushed and chopped
hot pepper
chili pepper
curry spice
pumpkin pie spice mix (don't ask- it had cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. I thought it would make up for me not having cumin somehow).
plus a little bit of water while cooking

I coated the carrots with the oil and spices, sauteed them, added a bit of water, and sweated them out (saute/parboil) much like you do onions. The result? Well-cooked, but not too well, spiced carrots with a natural sweetness. 

February food love

So there you have the end of February's recreations for Heart Health Mediterranean Month. Numerous studies have been published showing the heart-healthy benefits of a Mediterranean diet/lifestyle for the heart and the brain. What's good for the heart is good for the mind. <3

Coming up for March- NUTRITION MONTH! No, it really is Nutrition month. So each restaurant will have some sort of special health-conscious entity to their business model. 


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